New to Arcadia or thinking about moving to Arcadia California?


The City of Arcadia extends a warm welcome to you as a new resident of our great city.  Arcadia has a long history of excellence, dedication and community pride.  The City Council and staff are committed to providing the best public services and the people who live here are very involved in community activities and in keeping Arcadia a wonderful place to call home.  We hope you enjoy being here as much as we do. 

Below is some information that should help you get settled.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call the phone numbers listed, browse the rest of this website, or you can call the City Manager’s Office at 574-5401.


The on-line community calendar (which can be accessed here) contains information about many City meetings, special events and other activities.  Please check the calendar regularly to see what is going on in town.

The “News and Information” section of the website is also a good resource for interesting information about Arcadia. 


The Arcadia Municipal Code prohibits parking on public streets between the hours of 2:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. unless certain special circumstances arise. 

Storage of vehicles on the roadway is strictly prohibited.  Any vehicle parking on the roadway in excess 72 hours will be subject to tow at the owner’s expense.  These restrictions were enacted to increase safety and security–as well as enhance Arcadia’s aesthetics–while allowing a clear path for street sweeping vehicles.

A permit allowing all-night street parking may be granted on an annual or temporary basis:

Obtaining an Annual Parking Permit

If all of the below circumstances exist residents may obtain an annual permit that allows all-night street parking:

A)     Insufficient parking space is available or obtainable upon the property designated as the applicant’s residence, and;

B)     Additional parking space cannot be provided or constructed anywhere on the property, and; 

C)     No spaces previously provided for parking have been converted to other uses.

Annual parking permit applications may be obtained from the Cashier’s Office at City Hall (240 W. Huntington Drive).  The permit fee for a full calendar year is $84, with fee reduced by $7 for each month elapsed.  Please note that a copy of the vehicle’s registration is required, and permit fees are non-refundable.  Click here to download a copy of the Annual All-Night Parking Permit Application form.  

Obtaining a Temporary Parking Permit

A temporary night-by-night overnight parking permit may be obtained from a 24-hour self-service machine in the lobby of the Police Station (250 W. Huntington Drive).  Temporary permits are $3 per night and may be purchased from the automated machine from one night up to nine nights.  

Payment in cash, VISA, or MasterCard is accepted.   

PLEASE NOTE: Any outstanding parking citations must be paid or a permit will not be issued.  Permits are not issued for commercial vehicles or recreational vehicles.  The Police Department Watch Commander may grant exception for issuance of temporary permits on a case-by-case basis.  Parking permits, annual or temporary, are only valid for overnight parking.  The permits do not allow a vehicle to park in violation of any other municipal code or parking regulation, such as street sweeping.  In the event that a permit is issued and it is later determined that the vehicle does not meet the above criteria, the permit will be revoked and the application fee will not be refunded.

Transfer Of Permit

Should a change of vehicle occur during the year, a new permit sticker can be obtained by presenting the current parking sticker (containing the permit number) to the Cashier’s Office, where an application for transfer will need to be filled out.  There is a $1.00 transfer fee for this transaction.

For any additional questions regarding obtaining an overnight parking permit, please call (626) 574-5464.


In an effort to lower the cost of emergency medical fees to Arcadia residents, the City offers a Paramedic Membership Program.  For $40.00 per year, you and your entire household can be covered for any Arcadia paramedic and ambulance service fees – a bargain given that one emergency call can cost as much as $1,500.00.

As a member of the Paramedic Membership Program your entire household is covered and pays nothing for 24-hour emergency paramedic and emergency ambulance service (non-emergency trips to or from a hospital or retirement home are not provided by Arcadia paramedics and are not covered by this program).   The Program is especially beneficial for people who are not insured, are under-insured, or have a deductible higher than the membership fee. Insurance coverage varies so you should check with your insurance company to find out what, if anything, is covered for emergency medical fees.

The Paramedic Membership Program offers a plan for residents and businesses, as well as a low-income discount.  If you would like to request a brochure and an application form for the Program, please call 574-5126.


Waste Management provides refuse and recycling services for all residential homes in Arcadia.  Households are provided with a black container for trash, a blue container for recyclables, and green containers for green waste.  The containers have built-in wheels, handles and a permanently attached lid.  The containers are specifically designed for automated trash collection.  Waste in any other container will not be collected.  To begin service or inquire about what can and cannot be recycled, please call Waste Management at 856-1285.

For your information, trash containers should be placed at the curb for pick-up no more than 24 hours prior to collection and removed by 5:00am the day after pick-up.  


Streets in commercial districts are swept a minimum of once per week. Residential streets are swept every week, the day after refuse collection.  To help keep our streets and storm drains clean, sweeping leaves and grass into the street is prohibited.  Questions about street sweeping may be answered by calling 256-6554.


An exemption from having to pay the 5% Utility User’s Tax is available to low income qualified and disabled residents.  The exemption allows those who qualify to avoid paying the 5% City tax on their utilities (Edison Company, Southern California Gas Company and telephone companies) as well as providing water customers with 600 cubic feet of water each billing period without charge.  This exemption also qualifies you to enroll in the Paramedic Membership Program at the reduced rate of $21 per year.

If you are interested in this program and believe you may qualify, pick up an application at City Hall or call 574-5463 for more information.


Arcadia’s area code is 626.

Arcadia Unified School District – 821-8300

AT & T Cable –

Champion Broadband Cable – 866-801-1122

City Hall (general telephone number) – 574-5400

Water Billing – 574-5428

Water Service – 256-6650

Southern California Edison – 800-684-8123

Southern California Gas Company – 800-427-2200

Time Warner Cable – 441-4559

Verizon – 800-483-4000